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Valuation services for healthcare professionals. We are specialized
in 8 professions.


Valuation Report
of your Company

Advisory Report

Limited Critique

Parallel Lines

First service
Valuation Report of your Company: 
(CBV Institute Standard 110)

We offer several types of valuation reports following the standards of the Canadian Institute of Chartered Business Valuators (CBV Institute). These valuation reports contain a conclusion as to the value of shares, assets or interests in a business.

Calculation valuation report:  conclusion as to the value of shares, assets or an interest in a business that is based on limited review, analysis and corroboration of relevant information and is set out in a less detailed valuation report.

Estimate valuation report: conclusion as to the value of shares, assets or an interest in a business that is based on limited review, analysis and corroboration of relevant information and is set out in a less detailed valuation report. 

Comprehensive valuation report: ​conclusion as to the value of shares, assets or an interest in a business that is based on a comprehensive review and analysis of the business, its industry and all other relevant factors, adequately corroborated and generally set out in a detailed valuation report.


Parallel Lines

Second Service
Advisory Reports:
(CBV Institute Standard 210)

This type of report is generally prepared in contemplation of a purchase or sale of shares, assets or business interest, where the valuator is not independent from the entity being valued or where the valuator is advising or assisting a party with the negotiation of a dispute.

Parallel Lines

Third Service
Limited Critique Report:
(CBV Institute Standard 410)

This type of report provides comments on valuation, expert or advisory reports prepared by another member or non-member, but they do not contain a valuation or any other numerical conclusion. These are most often used to ‘poke holes’ in a valuation or export report.

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